We use UPS and FedEx to deliver all our goods
We use UPS and FedEx to deliver all our goods - we offer the fastest “ORDER TO DELIVERY“ time in the industry. We take Pride in the fact that we have over 99.98% on-or before-time deliveries.
Shipping Costs
Shipping starts at $9.99. Pricing varies according to product choice and quantity.
Delivery Time
Delivery in 6 to 8 business days
Update with regards the current Covid-19 Situation
- All of our packages and packing do not create a danger to you!
- We take careful measures with our products and packaging to ensure they are virus-free.
- Many experts agree that it's safe to receive packages.
- Contactless delivery is an option our couriers provide.
- Orders purchased as gifts can be delivered straight to your friends and family.